Located outside of the library doors

Pals Plus Kids is a resource for young readers, K-8th grade, to download e-books. E-books can be searched by a collection, subject, or reading level.
PALS Plus is a resource for adult readers to download ebooks. Other e-materials are available such as: audiobooks, newspapers, and magazines. There are a variety of ways to browse through PALS Plus materials.
Facts on File Databases
Information pertaining to town happenings and governance
This program contains the following state-specific information: 10 car practice tests, 6 motorcycle practice tests, 3 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice tests, and 3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL).
An FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions
Achieve your career goals today! This database provides an adult learning center, computer and internet basic tutorials, job search database, software tutorials, school center for elementary, middle and high school students, college center and many other resources. También, la base de datos se traduce en español!
PALS Plus is 21 public and academic libraries located in Passaic,
Essex, and Hudson Counties. Our members share library and computer resources to better serve the information needs of our communities.
EBSCO (Basic Research, Current Events, Literature, Newspapers), Business, Health, Law, Science
Provides detailed, current directory information on more than 12 million U.S. Businesses, 102 million U.S. residents, 683,000 U.S. healthcare providers, 1 million Canadian businesses and 11 million Canadian residents
Are you looking for advice and ongoing support for your job search? Join us to learn more about the NJ Career Network online Job Seeker community, a FREE online community where you can participate in daily events, connect with other job seekers and get support for the search.
Peterson's Test and Career Center
Peterson's Test and Career Prep helps students and adults be better prepared down the road for both college and their career. Discover comprehensive test prep and career solutions from Peterson's, a world-leading educational provider.
Health Source: Academic/Nursing Edition
a trusted full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.
Health source: Consumers Edition
Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Google Career Certificates have helped tens of thousands of job seekers across the United States gain digital skills and access the most in-demand and highest-paying jobs. Our Career Certificates prepare students for jobs in Data Analysis, Project Management, User Experience Design, and IT Support. No prior experience or knowledge is required to enroll, and students can be work-ready in three to six months.
Los Certificados de Carrera de Google
Los Certificados de carrera de Google han ayudado a decenas de miles de personas que buscan empleo en los Estados Unidos a adquirir habilidades digitales y acceder a los empleos más demandados y mejor remunerados. Nuestros Certificados de carrera de Google están disponibles en español mediante lecciones de video con subtítulos y páginas, materiales de lectura, cuestionarios y documentos completamente traducidos. Nuestros Certificados de carrera preparan a los estudiantes para empleos en Análisis de Datos, Gestión de Proyectos, Diseño de Experiencia de Usuario y Soporte de TI. No se requiere experiencia ni conocimientos previos para inscribirse, y los estudiantes pueden estar listos para trabajar en tres a seis meses.